class RedispatchToSiteLocal (View source)

RedispatchToSiteLocal forces an exec to the site-local Drush if it exist. We must do this super-early, before loading Drupal's autoload file. If we do not, we will crash unless the site-local Drush and the global Drush are using the exact same versions of all dependencies, which will rarely line up sufficiently to prevent problems.


static array
redispatchIfSiteLocalDrush(array $argv, string $root, string $vendor, PreflightLog $preflightLog)

Determine if a local redispatch is needed, and do so if it is.

findSiteLocalDrush(string $root)

Find a site-local Drush, if there is one in the selected site's vendor directory.


static array redispatchIfSiteLocalDrush(array $argv, string $root, string $vendor, PreflightLog $preflightLog)

Determine if a local redispatch is needed, and do so if it is.


array $argv

The commandline arguments

string $root

The selected site root or false if none

string $vendor

The path to the vendor directory

PreflightLog $preflightLog

A basic logger.

Return Value


static protected findSiteLocalDrush(string $root)

Find a site-local Drush, if there is one in the selected site's vendor directory.


string $root

The selected site root