Backup your code, files, and database into a single file.
The following paths would be excluded from a code archive:
- .git
- vendor
- [docroot]/sites/@/settings.@.php
- Drupal files directory
- Composer packages installed paths (
composer info --path --format=json
The following directories would be excluded from a file archive:
- css
- js
- styles
- php
drush archive:dump
. Create a site archive file in a temporary directory containing code, database and Drupal files.drush archive:dump --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz file containing code, database and Drupal files.drush archive:dump --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz --overwrite
. Create (or overwrite if exists) /path/to/archive.tar.gz file containing code, database and Drupal files.drush archive:dump --code --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz file containing the code only.drush archive:dump --exclude-code-paths=foo_bar.txt,web/sites/.+/settings.php --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz file containing code, database and Drupal files but excluding foo_bar.txt file and settings.php files if found in web/sites/* subdirectories.drush archive:dump --extra-dump=--no-data --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz file and pass extra option to mysqldump command.drush archive:dump --files --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz file containing the Drupal files only.drush archive:dump --database --destination=/path/to/archive.tar.gz
. Create /path/to/archive.tar.gz archive file containing the database dump only.
- ** --code**. Archive codebase.
- ** --files**. Archive Drupal files.
- ** --db**. Archive database SQL dump.
- ** --destination=DESTINATION. The full path and filename in which the archive should be stored. Any relative path will be calculated from Drupal root (usually web for drupal/recommended-project projects). If omitted, it will be saved to the configured temp directory.
- ** --overwrite**. Overwrite destination file if exists.
- ** --description=DESCRIPTION**. Describe the archive contents.
- ** --tags=TAGS**. Add tags to the archive manifest. Delimit several by commas.
- ** --generator=GENERATOR**. The generator name to store in the MANIFEST.yml file. The default is "Drush archive-dump".
- ** --generatorversion=GENERATORVERSION**. The generator version number to store in the MANIFEST file. The default is Drush version.
- ** --exclude-code-paths=EXCLUDE-CODE-PATHS**. Comma-separated list of paths (or regular expressions matching paths) to exclude from the code archive.
- ** --extra-dump=EXTRA-DUMP. Add custom arguments/options to the dumping of the database (e.g. mysqldump command).
- ** --convert-symlinks**. Replace all symlinks with copies of the files/directories that they point to. Default is to only convert symlinks that point outside the project root.
- ** --skip-tables-key=SKIP-TABLES-KEY**. A key in the $skip_tables array. @see Site aliases
- ** --structure-tables-key=STRUCTURE-TABLES-KEY**. A key in the $structure_tables array. @see Site aliases
- ** --tables-key=TABLES-KEY**. A key in the $tables array.
- ** --skip-tables-list=SKIP-TABLES-LIST**. A comma-separated list of tables to exclude completely.
- ** --structure-tables-list=STRUCTURE-TABLES-LIST**. A comma-separated list of tables to include for structure, but not data.
- ** --tables-list=TABLES-LIST**. A comma-separated list of tables to transfer.
- ** --database[=DATABASE]. The DB connection key if using multiple connections in settings.php. [default: default]
- ** --db-url=DB-URL. A Drupal 6 style database URL. For example mysql://root:pass@localhost:port/dbname
- ** --target[=TARGET]. The name of a target within the specified database connection. [default: default]
- ** --show-passwords**. Show password on the CLI. Useful for debugging.
Global Options¶
- ** -v|vv|vvv, --verbose**. Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
- ** -y, --yes**. Auto-accept the default for all user prompts. Equivalent to --no-interaction.
- ** -l, --uri=URI. A base URL for building links and selecting a multi-site. Defaults to https://default.
- To see all global options, run
drush topic
and pick the first choice.
- ard
- An argument or option with square brackets is optional.
- Any default value is listed at end of arg/option description.
- An ellipsis indicates that an argument accepts multiple values separated by a space.