All generators¶
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- composer
- controller
- field
- hook
- install-file
- javascript
- layout
- module
- phpstorm-meta
- readme
- render-element
- service-provider
- single-directory-component
- drush:alias-file
- drush:command-file
- drush:generator
- drush:symfony-command
- entity:bundle-class
- entity:configuration
- entity:content
- form:config
- form:confirm
- form:simple
- misc:apache-virtual-host
- misc:nginx-virtual-host
- plugin:action
- plugin:block
- plugin:ckeditor
- plugin:condition
- plugin:constraint
- plugin:entity-reference-selection
- plugin:field:formatter
- plugin:field:type
- plugin:field:widget
- plugin:filter
- plugin:manager
- plugin:menu-link
- plugin:migrate:destination
- plugin:migrate:process
- plugin:migrate:source
- plugin:queue-worker
- plugin:rest-resource
- plugin:views:argument-default
- plugin:views:field
- plugin:views:style
- service:access-checker
- service:breadcrumb-builder
- service:cache-context
- service:custom
- service:event-subscriber
- service:logger
- service:middleware
- service:param-converter
- service:path-processor
- service:request-policy
- service:response-policy
- service:route-subscriber
- service:theme-negotiator
- service:twig-extension
- service:uninstall-validator
- test:browser
- test:kernel
- test:nightwatch
- test:unit
- test:webdriver
- theme
- theme:settings
- yml:breakpoints
- yml:links:action
- yml:links:contextual
- yml:links:menu
- yml:links:task
- yml:migration
- yml:module-libraries
- yml:permissions
- yml:routing
- yml:services
- yml:theme-libraries